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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Back 2 School Wardrobe Linky

I am linking up with Lindsey at Miss Johnston's Journey for her Back to School Wardrobe Linky Party! Check out her site!

miss johnston's journey

We started school last Friday (August 14). So I just finished our 4th day! So far so good! I've got 29 little 3rd graders this year. Of course they are as energetic as ever!  So here is what I have worn or am going to wear this week! 

I LOVE palazzo pants! Any body else? They are so comfy and dressy at the same time. These came from Maurice's and believe it or not my shirt and necklace are both $4 specials from Walmart! 

Here is what I wore today! Top is from Maurice's and the bottoms are pre-marriage pants!! I think I bought them when I was student teaching! And they fit again! #winning
p.s. the hair was totally down ALL day at school and went up as soon as I got home (so did the wedges!)

My necklace is new and came from a local boutique in my small town. 

This top and bottoms came from New York and Co. Love that store AND they have a teacher discount! 

The top is old but came from Maurice's and the skirt is recent from Kohls. I just bought the super cute arrow necklace from Maurice's yesterday! 

Capris are a must for summertime in southern Illinois! The top came from Gordmans. Love me some chevron! 

And this of course is what I IMMEDIATELY put on when I get home from school. Comfy yoga pants from Old Navy and a t shirt. Now that's what I'm talking about!! 

Have a great rest of the week! Especially to those of you starting this week!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

#2getherwearebetter Bulletin Boards

So, I have not been able to get into my classroom ALL summer. It is a rule our school has to let the janitors do their work without and interruptions or distractions. Understandable, I suppose! Therefore, I will not be able to get into my classroom until MONDAY (August 3rd)! So since I don't have any bulletin boards put up for this coming school year, I will show you my boards from last year! Then I will update you later with my new boards.

Now, let me just tell you that last year, I had to move rooms from my 6th grade room down the hall to my new 3rd grade room. Last year we could not get in the school to work on our rooms till exactly one week before the first day with students. My new 3rd grade room was also getting new carpet. They did not finish with the carpet until the day AFTER I could come into my room. So I got one less day than everyone else to set up my room! To say I was stressed was an UNDERSTATEMENT! I had 5 days to get my room together and the first day I spent moving my things from one end of the hall to the other! I had some very late nights in those 5 days! But I was pretty happy with how some of my bulletin boards turned out. 

1. The first board I have here is my classroom management board. This is where I displayed my Class Rules, Clip Chart, and Lunch Count. This bulletin board is right beside the door. On the top part of the bulletin board you will see the students names and jobs. That is where they could find what their job was for the week. 

2. Here is the other side of bulletin board from above. This is my calendar area and where I displayed the grading scale and classroom ticket prizes. 

3. This is the other side of my classroom jobs board. I (mustache) you to do your classroom job!

4. Here is a bulletin board on the other wall of  my cursive alphabet 

 I really don't have a lot of space for bulletin boards in my room. But expect it to look different for this coming year! Eek! I can't wait to get in my classroom and start working! and GUESS WHAT!? We get to get into our classroom earlier this year! I can go in on the 3rd! I get 8 1/2 days to work in my room instead of 5 woohoo!

Thank you for reading!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Currently AuGuSt!

Can you believe that its time for the August currently from Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade? This is insane! Monday I go in for the first day since June 1st to work on my room for this new school year! So far I have 20 little ones in my 3rd grade class for this year. 

For my B2S RAK (Back 2 School Random Act of Kindness) I am thinking about making some kind of little gift to give to my parents. I meet them the night before school starts at our "Back to School Night". I'm not sure what kind of gift yet. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Hope your weekend is going well!