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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Classroom Library Off Bounds...WhAt?!

Hello everyone!

Let me just say....WHEW! It has been one of those weeks! It has not only been crazy in my third grade class but also in my little hometown. Let me just give you a throw down of my week. Earlier this week my town said good-bye to a sweet 15 year old boy who has been battling heart problems since birth. They laid him to rest on Wednesday morning. My husband, who is a funeral director, got a call after they buried the little boy about a 16 year girl who committed suicide. This has been the 5th teenage suicide in my small hometown this YEAR! And the 12th suicide in my small county this year. I have no idea what is going on in our little community but if you are a praying person please pray for our town. Also Wednesday one of  the largest abandoned historical buildings in my town was put on fire! We had to call all the surrounding fire departments to help us out. The house across the street also was completely damaged from the fire. After getting the news of this young girl on Wednesday, Thursday my school was put on lockdown. A REAL LIFE lockdown situation. We were finishing up lunch when we got the all call to take positions. Our 3rd and 4th graders ran to the gym. We were later moved to the lockers rooms. We were on lockdown for an 1 hour and 45 minutes! There was a man a block away from the school who tried to rape a woman and had a gun on him and ran away when the neighbors heard the woman screaming. It was insane!! THEN early Friday morning we had ANOTHER fire to an old abandoned building (just a block away from the previous fire). This fire also caused a fire to our Pregnancy Care Clinic and was completely damaged :(. We have no idea how these fires started or who started them. But this has been a very devastating week in my hometown.

Moving on to some classroom news.

Wednesday I was going to have the "Desk Police" come and see who had messy or clean desks. Well, the "Desk Police" (I) saw that our library was a complete MESS! I couldn't believe what my library looked like and how the kids did not take care of my books at all! So the "Desk Police" decided to tape off the library until further notice.

I first left them a note on the SMARTboard
Let me just say, that my students were in complete shock!

Here is the whole library.

A close up of the messiness!!

So our library was off limits from Wednesday to Friday. I plan on re-opening the library on Monday. But of course with some stipulations. They are now only going to be able to check out books on Monday only. Monday is our only day where we don't have a pull out so we have the extra time. They are only allowed to check out one book. Check in and Check out will only be done on Mondays. I think what I will do, is if I see students treating my books with care and respecting everything, I will allow them to check out more than one book at a time.

We will see how this goes.

Have you ever done this in your own classroom? I'm curious how it went for you?

I think that this class in particular needed the shock value. They are terrible at listening. We are going on our 7th week of school and I am STILL constantly going over rules and procedures. They just don't seem to get it! So frustrating. I hope this helps, and they get the point!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Classroom Reveal 2015 #2getherwearebetter

Well guys, I have SURVIVED 2 weeks of school! Our first day was actually one of the best 1st days I've had! My new 3rd graders are great! Of course I have my typical stinkers though! Ha! 
At the end of my day I got the best message EVER from one of my parents! She told me how much her son loved his first day in 3rd grade and how he thinks I am going to be his "most favorite teacher ever"! She said he is already planning on getting me something for Teacher Appreciation Week! Bless his heart! (I hope he still thinks this about me when that comes!)

I feel like finally after 4 years I am starting to get the hang of this teaching thing! I am so excited for this year and what it will bring! 

Here are a few pictures of my classroom, tiny classroom. Have I ever mention how much I hate the layout of my classroom? No? Well there might be a need for a blog post about the hatred of my classroom layout in the near future! 

If you missed my classroom reveal on Periscope (@mrscrouse) go and follow me so you don't miss anything else! 

Above is a picture of my desk and table. I bought chevron fabric and HOT GLUED it to my tables. I love how they turned out!

 This is my classroom library. My husband made these bookshelves over the summer. Didn't he do a great job!

  Here are some more up close pictures

This is where I store all of my reading center work for the week. The students just grab what they need.

My English wall

My much need blurt chart and my behavior chart.

Our mailboxes, our tray for mail to file, and where the students turn in their homework.

Here is the classroom after Back 2 School night (the night before the first day).

Love all of my monster themed decorations! Thanks goes to Amy Groesbeck!

Questions? Just ask :) 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Currently: September 🙌

Thank you to Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade for another currently! 

I am currently laying in bed blogging on my phone (not the easiest thing I've ever done)! So therefore, I am listening to my ceiling fan and my husband getting ready for bed! 

I am loving that I am currently on day 16 of my #3weeksnocheats and have lost 4 pounds!! Woot woot! 

I am thinking that I don't want to go to my masters classes the next 2 nights in a! 

I am wanting ice cream so bad because I can't have it on my 3 weeks no cheats!
I NEED to go to sleep...I have school tomorrow! And I need to be prepared to teach little minds! 

My 3 goals are to stay organized at school AND at home, have more compassion towards my students, and to be present in every moment I have with my family because I am very busy with school, cheer, and my masters program. 

Head on over to Oh Boy 4th Grade and link up!