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Monday, August 1, 2011

New Job

My car the day I resigned. Full of teaching stuff!
Well, the other day I resigned from my teaching position. It was a very bitter sweet moment. I was going to be teaching a dual classroom, 1st and 2nd grades at a very tiny country school about 30 minutes away. I got an offer a week or so ago from a great school in my town. They offered me a great aide position, with good pay and benefits with intentions of teaching down the road.

It was a very tough decision. I had to choose between teaching and being an aide again. I choose the aide position because it is a very well known and established school that I have always wanted to work at.  And this was a great way for me to get my foot in the door. The other school is a very small school with about 60 kids (on a good year).We all know how hard it is to get a teaching job (which was what made this decision so hard)! But I believe this is what God has planned for me and I think I have made the right decision.

I am going to miss everyone I worked with out there and I hope they understand why I choose this route. I love you all and will keep in contact with you! I am very excited to start my new journey at this school. Please wish me luck! :)

p.s. Thank you Rebecca for the rocking chair! :)

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