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Monday, March 5, 2012

Pin It Monday: This is such a good idea!

Do you use large anchor charts? Do you ever wish when a kid has a question that you could refer to your anchor charts again? Well now you can! This great idea came from Teaching My Friends Blog check it out!

Reasons to love!
  1. It keeps my anchor charts available all year long.
  2. It's handy for my friends.  They know where it is and know how to use it.
  3. It's a great reminder for me for the next year.  I am a believer in making 90% of my charts with the class.  I may set up the title and clip art or graphic I want on it, but the content is generated with my friends.  Of course, I know what must make the chart, but you would be surprised at the different things that come up each year with different classes that we end up adding.
  4. It's a great resource to use with my small group and individual student meetings to target specific needs.
Thank you Nancy of Teaching My Friends!


  1. I adore using anchor charts. After using them for almost five years, I am just now getting inspired from Pinterest and attempting to make them more attractive.

    But I don't understand your concept. Is it a binder? How do you store the charts? Do you fold them...make a mini-version?

    It seems like such a great idea I'd like to use, but please help me and explain.


    A fellow 6th grade teacher. =)

    1. What she does is takes a picture of each anchor chart and prints it off on a 8x11 paper and stores it in the binder....genius!
