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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Words to keep me going...

We have ONE more week of school left! Yay!

These last few weeks have been very hard on me. As most of you know, this is my second year as a teacher's aide (Title 1 and RtI) and 2 different schools. I am BEYOND frustrated by being an aide, you have no idea! I went to school to be a teacher, not an aide! I just want my first teaching job! I was bound and determined to stay at the school that I am currently at. I love it here. The teachers and staff are amazing! BUT they won't be having an opening until after next year (as long as we don't lose anymore students!). I know, you may be thinking, a year isn't that long! But when I have already wasted 2 years by being an aide, it is long enough!

A school that I did some field experience at is going to have a 6th grade opening. I have decided that I am going to apply. I haven't applied anywhere yet this year. Mainly because there hasn't been many openings. Pray that I will get an interview!

Through my frustrations, I found some motivation or inspiration to help carry me on through the rest of the school year. At the end of each school day I go into the 1st grade room to help them pack up for the buses. I got in there a little early and they were drawing pictures of what they wanted to be when they grow up. One of the sweetest little girls came up to me and showed me her picture. It said: "When I grow up I want to be a Teacher."After she showed me her picture she told me that she wanted to be a teacher because of me and Miss L (her 1st grade teacher). Right there, she melt my heart!
And that is the reason I am teaching!

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