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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Great Meeting

Yesterday I met up with my fellow Jr. High teachers. We met up to talk about the new Exploratory classes we are going to be offering our 6-8 graders. I guess normally they had a 45 minute spelling block first thing in the morning. This year we are going to combine the spelling with reading, using our vocab words as our spelling words. Now instead of 45 minutes of spelling we are going to offer 6 exploratory classes. Here they are: Geometry, Economics/Current Events, Health, Fine Arts, Technology, and Geography. These will be 6 week classes. Our students will be able to go to each of these classes through out the school year. I am very excited! I will be teaching Geometry! I was excited to get math because during the rest of the school day I won't be teaching math at all and it is one of my favorite subjects to teach! So things worked out great!

Since I won't have a specific curriculum to go off of, we looked at the common core standards for 6-8th grades and found out what the geometry standards are. I will be working off of those to find my curriculum. If anybody has any great geometry resources for 6-8th grades please let me know!! :)

Here are some websites that I have found so far (click on the picture to go to the website!):

Illuminations is a website with math lessons and activities (Great resource!)

Juab School Districe has a few geometry lesson plans for 6-8B
But they also have tons of math lessons for grades 1st-6th grades

Khan Academy is an AMAZING math resource for all teachers!

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