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Friday, June 1, 2012


I feel so relieved right now. The Superintendent called me around 2:30. He said "I hope I have some good news for you, you have an interview." I said that is GREAT news!! Yay, I am so excited. But I better not get to ahead of myself. I have had plenty of interviews in the past 2 years and nothing has worked out. So hopefully this is my big break to finally becoming a teacher! One can hope right? My interview is on Tuesday at 2pm. So be saying a little prayer for me please! :)

Below I have attached a link for Job Interview Tips for Teachers. Its been a year since I had my last interview. So I am definitely going to be freshening up my interview skills.

Do you TEACHERS out there have any tips for me??


  1. Yay for getting an interview! I only went to 3 before getting my job, so I don't have too much experience to share. I did have a few tips that seemed to work though - at the end of the interview, when the interviewer says "do you have any questions?" always have a question! Even if it's something you already know the answer to, ask it any way. Check out the school website before you go so you know specifics about the school, you can probably use the website to come up with your questions. Good luck! I hope you get the job!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats in Kindergarten

    1. Thank you for the advice Jennifer! I greatly appreciate it! I am getting very nervous since I haven't had an interview in a year! Eek!
