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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Waiting Game

Well, I had my 2nd interview yesterday. I think it went pretty good. I guess I will know how well it went on Thursday. I am soooo nervous. Naturally during the interview I felt pretty good about it. But of course when I got home I started to question all of my answers; were they good enough? is that what they were wanting to hear? etc.
Here are some of the questions that they asked:

- What would your day look like on the first day of school, since they kids are only their 2 1/2 hours?
- If I were to walk into your classroom what would I see?- If the kids started to get out of control, how would you bring them back to order?- Tell us your experience with RtI.- Here is our Jr. High management plan. Is there anything that you would add or make different for your classroom?- What type of positive behavior might I see in your classroom?
Those are just a few of the questions that I can thoroughly remember!
I just want this job so bad! Have I told you that this is the 9th...yes 9th school I have interviewed for? Man, is that depressing or what? Teaching is such a hard market to get into right now. I just hope I did enough to actually get my teaching career started!

Below are 2 pictures of what I wore to my interview. What do you think?

Below is a picture of myself and the judges at my pageant on Sunday. The Little Miss Relay Pageant - "The Pageant With A Purpose". It was a huge success! We raised about $3200 for the Relay for Life! I am so happy! :)

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!

Mrs. Crouse


  1. Your outfit is so cute - but professional at the same time! I am crossing my fingers for you!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  2. Congrats on the new job! 2 years is really good! It took me 5 to find a full time job, then only to moved aside for a maternity leave that came back. Fortunately, I find another job rather quickly (which shocked the heck out of me!) I know you'll do great!

    :) Kaitlyn
    Smiles and Sunshine
