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Monday, July 30, 2012

First Day Jitters Blog Hop

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who participated in my first ever linky pary "Preparing for School"! You still have time to enter in! It has been so helpful reading every-bodies advice and tips for new teachers! I am getting so nervous and "jittery" about starting my first year of teaching! So....with that I am joining Fierce in Fourth's First Day Jitters Blog Hop!

All you have to do is tell 3 things that you are jittery about for the upcoming school year!

1. I am soooo nervous for the first day of school. Being a first year teacher, I have NO idea what to expect. I don't know any of the kids. The last time I was at this school was in the Fall of 2009 (its been a while). I observed in a 4th grade class and those 4th graders are now 7th graders! OMGoodness!

2. I am worried that I won't have everything prepared that needs to be plan, bulletin boards, routines and procedures! Ah! I'm stressing myself out just thinking about it!

3. Lastly, I am excited and jittery about meeting the rest of the staff (I have already met the middle school staff that I will be working with and love them!) But I haven't met the rest of the staff yet. I just hope that everyone likes me and is friendly and kind to me! Eek! :S

What are you jittery about for the upcoming school year?

Head over to Fierce in Fourth and link up!


  1. About your jitter #2: Ask another teacher for their first few days of school plans. You'll know what procedures they introduce, which will help you make sure you have all of those worked out too. As far as bulletin boards and those things, they will change constantly. Don't stress about having them perfect on day 1. Really, that goes for all of it. You can change/add procedures later on if you need to. Just tell the kids "I noticed ____, so we are going to _____." They get it.

    Good luck!

    A Place to Thrive

  2. Hi...I just found your blog through the "Jitters" blog hop and am now a follower. I'd love for you to hop over to my blog and enter my giveaway.

  3. I am your newest follower! I just found your blog through the jitters blog hop as well. I taught 6th my first year and I'm in 5th for the second year now. I'd love it if you checked out my page!


  4. I nominated you for a blog award. Visit my site to accept.

    Hodges Herald

  5. I nominated your blog for an award! Visit my blog to accept it :)
    Sixth Grade Sparkle
