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Thursday, July 24, 2014

BIG Changes

If you have been on my blog at all today you would have noticed all the changes that have been going on. Well, I told you in my last post that I was going to be having some BIG news. The big news is....drumroll please....

I am moving down to 3rd GRADE!! 

I couldn't be more excited. The last 2 years (my first 2 years teaching) have been in 6th grade. Although it was great in 6th grade, my heart has always been with the lower grades. I am beyond thrilled to be moving to 3rd grade!

Here is my new blog button

If you have any words of advice for me please feel free to comment!

Hopefully many more posts to come! I have been a little M.I.A. lately!


  1. Congratulations on your move! I've taught third grade twice and my biggest piece of advice is to take baby steps in the beginning. I made the mistake of thinking they could handle more than they could (I usually teach 4th and 5th graders). I have to say that third graders mature A LOT over the school year. It's really amazing and sometimes seems like you are teaching completely different kids. Good luck to you :)

    teaching,life,and everything in between

  2. Welcome to third grade! There are so many reasons to love it! My advice is to set your expectations high. Make them feel like big kids, and they'll respond and rise to the challenge! =)

    Third Grade in the First State
