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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Oh How I Wish I Were Creative!

Well, last night I spent a lot of time on the ipad (which I love) looking at all different types of blogs. I am a new blogger, as well as a new teacher and am still learning a lot! But a lot of you bloggers are SO creative! I have to admit, I am a little jealous!

I love looking at everyone's pictures of their classrooms! It is so inspiring. I unfortunately do not have my own classroom yet {hoping for one soon!}. You all have given me some great ideas for my future classroom.

Check out some of my favorite blogs that have posted classroom pictures!

Last night I got my own Pinterest site. I am super excited to start using it! Do any of you have a pinterest site? {if not, I recommend you to go check it out at }

Anywho, I am getting super excited for school to start. I met one of the teachers and board members of my new school last night. And they are amazing people! The teacher raved about how great our superintendent is, I can't wait to work for him! Getting very excited! Also, pray for more kids to enroll! I was told that if a few more kids enroll in either 6th, 7th, or 8th grade that he would split a class that way I can at least teach 1/2 time and aide the other half. I am praying! :)

? of the day: How many of you have Pinterest?

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