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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Teacher Talk Tuesday!

Well, I know I'm not "technically" a teacher yet. BUT I am an aide who is waiting for God to place me in the teaching job that is right for me. So I can not give you all advice as a teacher. But I can give you advice that others have passed on to me.

1. My mom always told me to stay on good terms with the secretary. She is the eyes and ears of the school. She knows everything that is going on! :)

2. Always be a role model to your matter where you are! Just like our Superintendent said, we are always role models so we need to act, dress, and be the part of a role model.

3. I was told by a fellow teacher that it is okay to not know all the answers to the questions our students asks. What she does is say "Well I'm not sure but let's find out and google it!". I think that is a great way of learning together as a class and showing the kids that you are human and you don't have to know everything!

4. Through student teaching and being an aide, I have learned that it is always better to OVERPLAN! You never want to give your kids too much free time! Always have a plan and backup plan.

5. From working in a school for two years and doing my field experiences and student teaching, I have learned that teachers need to be flexible! You never know what surprise guest, assembly, fire drill, etc. you are going to have that day! So don't stress or worry (too much!)

6. My last and final advice for today is to not get caught up in the gossip! Remain friends with everyone and remember you are there to teach and inspire children! :)

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