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Friday, June 8, 2012

Eek!! :)

Holy Smokes!

I got a call yesterday asking if I could come back for a second interview!! I am totally stoked...and really nervous! It is with the Superintendent and Principal...again! I'm not sure what they are going to ask me this time. Any thoughts on what they might ask?

I am totally freaking out here! I have a big weekend ahead of me! Tomorrow I am preparing for my pageant in the morning. Then I am going to the pool with family, then I am setting up for the pageant tomorrow night! Then on Sunday I have church and then the Relay Pageant that I have been preparing for, for months starts at 3pm!! I am so excited :). Then Monday at 9am, I have my second interview!! Crazy weekend!

Please keep me in your prayers! I want this job so bad!!


  1. Prayers sent your way, Mallory!
    If you remember, try to add a comment about working for success for ALL of your students... using a variety of strategies to move them forward...
    GOOD LUCK! I know you'll do great!
    (And I bet you'll look great too!)

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade
