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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Guess What...

You are looking at the newest 6th grade teacher in the blogger world!!!

I got the job! Yay :) I went in front of the board last night and it went extremely well! I got a call around 10:45pm saying that the vote was unanimous and that I was hired! I am so excited to get into my classroom and start decorating!

For those of you who are appling to schools; here are some of the questions that they asked me along with some of my answers:

1. Tell us about yourself outside of teaching.
Talk about where you grew up, tell them about your family. If it is a small country school the board is most likely very family oriented. Let them know about your family and what you enjoy doing. Do you have hobbies? Are passionate about something else besides teaching?

2. Tell us about your experiences since student teaching.
Talk about student teaching and what you learned. If you have worked elsewhere since student teaching talk about that. I personally have worked at 2 other schools since student teaching. So I mainly talked about my role at those schools.

3. Why do you want to work here?
Research the school. Go to the school website. Find the school report card. Talk to teachers that work there or people that have subbed there. Make sure it is a good school and that you have positive things to say about that particular school.

4. What 3 qualities do a great teacher possess?
Possible answers: passion, creativity, flexibility, organized, positive, patience. What I have always said during interviews (which it is your own personal preference, there are no wrong answers) is organized, flexible, and passionate.

5. What is your greatest strength?
Mine is personally my organizational skills. I love to be organized and know where things belong. I also feel like this helps my students to learn to be organized and to know where things belong.

6. Why should we hire you?
Tell them why you are so passionate about teaching. Let them know that you are the best possible candidate. This is the time to really "toot your own horn". Explain your strengths and ideas that you have for your future classroom.

7. What is your biggest fear of teaching?
Honestly, out of the now 12 interviews I have had in the past 2 years, I have never been asked this question. I told the board member that I had a fear of not being a good teacher. I want to do my best for my kids and help them succeed. I am going to strive to be my best and work past that fear.

It is now time for me to change the title of my blog to "Mrs. Crouse's {6th Grade} All-Stars!"

Happy Summer!
Mrs. Crouse


  1. Woo hoo! Welcome to the club! There just aren't enough 6th grade teachers in the blogosphere-I can't wait to see all of your amazing ideas!

    Will Grade For Coffee

  2. Congratulations!! You're going to be great!

    Mrs. Allen’s 5th Grade Files
