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Monday, July 23, 2012

Preparing for School LINKY PARTY!

I am having my first ever linky party and I hope you can join me!

As most of you may know, I am preparing for my first year of teaching! I will be teaching in a 6th grade class (language arts, history, and science). I am so excited, but have no idea where to begin! The reason for this linky party is for you to help me and other new teachers in preparing for our classrooms! Just follow these simple rules and link up!

1. Post about this linky party on your blog
2. Follow my blog ({6th Grade} All-Stars)
3. Answer the following 5 questions (include documents if you have them):

- What grade do you teach?
- What is the greatest advice you received during your 1st year of teaching?
- Do you have a checklist that you follow when preparing your classroom (include the checklist)?
- What are some must haves in your classroom that you cannot live without (ex. items, books, posters, management strategies)?
- What is something that all teachers should have in their classroom?

Don't forget to add your link and put your answers in a comment!! :)

Thank you for participating!

get the InLinkz code


  1. What an awesome linky party! I will definitely be posting in the next day or two!
    ☼ Kate
    To The Square Inch

  2. Oh what a great linky party! I am doing my student teaching this year so will be stalking this link like crazy as I am stalk piling now for the upcoming year!

    Think, Wonder, & Teach
    Honey Bunch Blog Design

  3. Definitely count me in for this Linky Party! I'm starting my first year teaching in August, 6th grade Science and Honors English/Language Arts... so we're very similar! We will HAVE to compare notes!



    Thanks and have a super year!

    can't wait to hear all about it as I follow you

    Hodges Herald

  5. Good luck to all of you this school year! Can't wait to hear how it goes week by week!

  6. I will be starting my second year of teaching, I teach all three middle school grades in Career electives. I love finding fellow middle school teachers to follow, this is my first attempt at linking up.

  7. Cool party. I teach 6th grade Language Arts and plan to join in as well.

    Justin Greene

  8. I'm your newest follower. I'll be linking up.

    Surfing to Success

  9. Can't wait to read everyone's advice! We seriously need to collaborate! Come follow me and we can keep in touch!

    5th Grade Tomfoolery

  10. Think I did this correctly...but have never done a "linky party." Here is the link:

  11. Hi,
    I teach 6th to 8th grade Language Arts and 7/8 Social Studies. I just started blogging last week. Not sure if I did this correctly. This will be my third year of teaching middle school. I taught kindergarten for 12 years prior to that. I took a few years away, was a substitute and got my Masters of Ed. in Lit. and Lang. Arts. I love it. I am moving to a brand new building. I have no idea what furniture, bulletin boards, or anything. I will be adding photos on my blog when I get my room set up (the weekend before school starts...eek!) Here is my blog:
    Please follow me, I have some great ideas!

  12. Hello! I joined up with your linky party! I can't wait to read more about your experiences as a first year teacher! I am also in the same boat (sort'll see why on my blog). Good luck, and I hope you'll join me on my journey as well!

  13. Thanks for the fun link party!

  14. I just came across your blog & I'm so happy I did! This Linky Party is fantastic! I too will be teaching 6th grade for the first time & it's so great to learn more about how to start up the year. I'm starting up a class blog soon. I will be in touch!
    All the best,

  15. Hi! I am a brand new blogger (first post completed today) and also a brand new teacher! I have to figure out how to link up and how to create a button, but I look forward to reading more of your posts! I too am looking ofr ways to start the year and will be a reader on yor blog. The link for mine is below:

  16. -What grade do you teach?
    I teach a full self-contained gifted intensive support grade 6 class.
    -What is the greatest advice you received during your 1st year of teaching?
    You CANNOT do everything! You could work 24 hours a day and still NOT be finished. Be kind to yourself!
    - Do you have a checklist that you follow when preparing your classroom (include the checklist)?
    I do not have a checklist but I do use my previous year files and handouts. I keep things really organized on my computer and in binders at school. After 23 years I still change things up though...maybe I will make a checklist!
    - What are some must haves in your classroom that you cannot live without (ex. items, books, posters, management strategies)
    Must haves? Well, I must have COFFEE and the kids know it. I even bought a coffee maker for my room (Tassimo) and it works well in a pinch. I have shared some of my other ideas at my blog at and it would be easier to read there.
    -What is something all teachers should have in their classroom? A really supportive PRINCIPAL! That and a really good filing system for keeping track of all the paper work teaching entails. I use baskets and file folders and bins and buckets.....
