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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mollusk Menus....and 6th grade stories!

 So far in Science we have been learning about animals. Our chapter that we are one right now is all about invertebrates. We have been discussing different mollusks. I took them to the computer lab the other day and had them research what countries eat mollusks (snails, crab, squids, etc.). They were then to find recipes where the mollusk was the main ingredient. From that they made some menus. They had to come up with a name for their restaurant, include one appetizer, and one main dish. Here are some of the menus!

Love these kids! They are so funny and creative!

So funny story today...

I had one of my boys come up to me and say:

"Guess what? Last night I woke up around 6am with a ringing in my ear. So I went to my mom and she game me some medicine to put in my ear, then I had to lay on it. After I laid down for a little while a ROLLY POLLY fell out of my ear!"

How hilarious is that! Never heard of that happening!

Have a great evening!

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