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Monday, August 5, 2013

Reality & Monday Made-It

Oh My Goodness. 

Next week I am going back to school to work on my room. I not so sure I am ready for this yet! For one reason mainly...

this little guy right here!

He just turned 2 months on Saturday (today he is 9 weeks old!)
I can't believe how fast this summer has gone! I am really excited to start working on my room but sad to leave my little bittersweet!

and now for my Monday Made-It
I am linking up with 4th Grade Frolics

Below I have a sample of what my lesson plan template looks like for this year. I have decided to go back to the original looking lesson plan template with all 5 days together. Last year I had one day per page. This will definitely help save paper!

What do your lesson plan templates look like?!

Good Luck with your classrooms! :)

1 comment:

  1. Your baby boy is so precious! I hope the transition goes well for you :)
