Helpful Pages

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Wonderful Math Tool

Looking for a way to help your kids on math facts? Whether it be addition, subtraction, multiplication or division is a-MAZ-ing!

I found this website a couple of years ago when I was working as a RtI aide. I was working with 3rd graders who needed help remembering their multiplication facts. Lo, and behold I found this beauty! It works wonders with all kids, especially those who struggle with memorization. 

It is a FREE website (that has a not-so-free app). I entered all of my 3rd grade stu
dents and had them get on this past Thursday. I wasn't sure what they would think, but they loved it! I even had some that wanted to keep going instead of having their computer game time!

I definitely recommend this website!
Try it and you will fall in love!

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