Thursday, October 4, 2012

Parent/Teacher Conferences & Currently

Tonight was my first ever Parent/Teacher conference! And I survived!! Yay! You know I really wasn't nervous for them until my principal and superintendent individually came to talk to me about them. They were asking if I was nervous, if I was ready, if I had any questions. Then they proceeded to tell me that if I needed them to just call down for them if I have a problem with a parent...ya, that statement got me a little nervous! But you know what? I made it! And they actually went very smoothly! I had no complaints! I actually got some compliments! Tomorrow morning is round 2 of P/T conferences. Let's hope they go as smoothly as todays!

Have you had P/T conferences yet? If so, how were they? If not, how do you prepare for them?

I had 4 desks pulled together. I sat on one side and the parents sat across from me. I had a file folder for each student with they AimsWeb test scores, grade reports, and their behavior log. After I presented those I asked the parents if they had any questions.Each time slot is 15 minutes long and some of them didn't even last the whole 15 minutes!

And now, time to link up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade's October Currently! Can you believe that it is October already!!

the BOOK section is for you to share your fave OCTOBER SEASON book
that means you can share FALL, Halloween, Autumn, or all of those!!!

My book right now is Where the Red Fern Grows we are currently reading this book in my class and my kids are loving it! Such a great book!

and PLEASE remember the rule of 3...
you need to please comment on the 2 links ahead of your link and then come back and comment on the link after your link...
this is a way to spread the love and visit new blogs and well it is just my RULE... and not to mention nice (and my RULE)
 and it hurts feelings when you don't give the love (aka you don't follow the rule)... really it does I get the emails that say they didn't get the love :) so RULE of  3 PLEASE 

Happy October!


  1. Where the Red Fern Grows makes me cry every time!! It is one of my favorite books from childhood, along with A Wrinkle in Time. Both of them are too mature to read with my 2nd graders, so I had to settle on A Turkey for Thanksgiving... :)

    Hello Mrs Sykes

  2. Congrats on finishing those first days of conferences. They are exhausting and sometimes scary, but sooooooo eye opening. I love them because EVERY time, I think....oh, right. No wonder. Or that's where she gets it. Or no wonder he is so smart...or....not. :)
    Hope they continue to go well!!
    One Berry Blog

  3. Congrats on getting through the beginning of conferences! That's how I set up too. I have a folder for each student and I put them in the order that I am meeting with the parents. Makes it so much easier, especially when parents are coming and going so quickly. Good luck with the rest!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  4. Congrats on getting through the beginning of conferences. A few other teachers at my school and I do student led conferences. The kiddos prep a ton in class in the weeks leading up and then they come to the conference with their parent. The kid basically runs the show. It's great!

    A Place to Thrive

  5. Stopping by to check out your Currently post. I am needing chocolate too! :) Have a great weekend!

    Waving from The Teacher's Chatterbox,

  6. Where the Red Fern Grows is the first book I remember crying to while reading it! I was in 8th grade! Congrats on surviving conferences-- they stress me out. Mine aren't until the week of Thanksgiving.

    Random question-- what font did you use in your currently. It is really cute! =)

    Third Grade in the First State
